Telegram Bots AI — Telegram Bots AI

Gemini on Telegram

Use the power of Google's Gemini AI in any Telegram conversations

Get Started for Free

The missing link between Gemini and Telegram

  • Get the state of the art AI in your Telegram chats

    Gemini on Telegram uses Google's Gemini AI latest technology to provide you with the best answers

  • Keep your productivity to the top

    With Gemini on Telegram, you can easily ask for anything without leaving the app

  • Think like many people at once

    Think like many people and save time for ideation, brainstorming and more

  • Solve any problem

    Gemini on Telegram is the perfect agent to help you with any problem you might have

🚀 Are you ready to upgrade your Telegram conversations?

Start using the power of Gemini AI to your telegram chats in a few seconds

Get Started for Free

Frequently asked questions

Can use this bot from a group?

Yes, you can add the bot @gemini_query_bot to any group and summon it with the command /gemini followed by your query.

How do I use this bot in a one to one regular chat?

By using the inline query starting @gemini_query_bot followed by your query ending with two tildes ~~, for more information send /help to the bot.

Can I talk directly to the bot?

Yes you can do that, just talk to the bot @gemini_query_bot.

How much will it cost?

All users get 10 messages for free. Then you will have two options: the monthly plan for $3/month or the yearly plan for $30/year.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, we offer a 30 day moneyback guarantee, if you are not 100% delighted with our service.

👉 Have you got a question?

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